5 Key Safety Tips for ANY Workplace
1) Keep Your Floors Clean
A very simple but necessary rule to keeping any workplace safe is to keep it clean and tidy, removing any obstructions or hazards. No matter where you work, tripping is a serious danger, being responsible for a large percentage of workplace injuries. Whether it’s on a construction site or in an office, if you fall and hit your head, you’re looking at a serious injury. This goes for anything around the worksite – keep the floors clean, and you won’t have to worry about falls. Unless you’ve forgotten to tie your shoes.
2) Be Responsible For Your Own Safety
Your own safety should be your #1 priority. No matter how behind schedule you are, it’s no excuse to rush. In any workplace, rushing is when you make mistakes. Mistakes get you hurt. From a simple fall, to a heavy machinery mishap – take the needed safety steps, slow down, and think. Some people underestimate the importance of safety standards and PPE, but they’re there for a reason. Wear that helmet, wear those gloves, don’t slack on PPE! It’s important to take care of yourself.
3) Don’t Over-do it; Take a Break!
Taking a much-needed break is important to your health in more than just one way! It’s not worth it to work through your scheduled break if it wears you down – not only is it not good for you to work non-stop, but that’s how you begin to make mistakes. It can happen to anybody, even if you’re doing a job that you think you’re incapable of making mistakes with. Exhaustion can get to anyone.
4) Take Fire Safety Seriously
Fire safety is crucial to any workplace, even if the safety standards are different. Make sure you know the fire safety plan for your place of work, where to go in an emergency, where the fire escape is located, etc. Nowhere is safe from a fire emergency, so make sure you and your colleagues know what to do in the event of a fire. If you’re in charge, make sure you have a fire safety plan to begin with. Teach your employees what to do – fire drills may seem tedious, but it’s not a waste of time.
5) Report Hazards
If you come across anything you might consider a hazard in your workplace, report it ASAP! Any competent manager or foreman will take your safety concerns seriously. Reporting these hazards could save your life, or the life of one of your coworkers! If you’re not sure which channels to bring hazards and safety concerns up through, ask around! Any of your coworkers or higher-ups should know what to do. If you are in a position of authority, make sure you let your employees know how to bring hazard concerns up to you.