M-PETS Bird Cat Wand

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SKU: 20600599
Regular price $8.00 inc. GST

The M-PETS Bird Cat Wand is an excellent cat toy that is perfect for keeping your feline friend entertained and active. This toy is designed to stimulate your cat's natural hunting instincts, providing them with hours of entertainment and exercise. The wand is made from durable materials that are safe for your cat to play with and has a length of 35cm, making it easy for you to maneuver around and play with your cat.

The M-PETS Bird Cat Wand features a bird-like attachment at the end of the wand that is sure to catch your cat's attention. The bird is made from soft, plush materials that feel great in your cat's mouth and paws, and it is also designed to make realistic bird sounds that will make your cat feel like they are actually hunting their prey. The attachment is connected to the wand by a sturdy string that is long enough to provide your cat with ample room to jump, pounce, and chase.

This cat toy is an excellent way to keep your cat active and healthy, as it encourages them to move around and engage in physical activity. Playing with this toy is also a great way to bond with your cat and strengthen your relationship with them. The M-PETS Bird Cat Wand is an excellent investment for any cat owner looking to provide their feline friend with hours of entertainment and exercise.