Metal Angle in Heart Bridal Lucky Charm

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Regular price $6.00 inc. GST

The Metal Angle in Heart Bridal Lucky Charm is a symbolic and meaningful accessory that is often worn by brides on their wedding day. This charm is believed to bring good luck, love, and protection to the wearer.

The charm consists of a heart-shaped metal pendant that is adorned with a small metal angel. The heart symbolizes love, while the angel represents protection and guidance. The charm is usually attached to a necklace or bracelet and worn close to the heart.

The Metal Angle in Heart Bridal Lucky Charm has been a popular accessory for brides for many years. It is believed to bring good fortune to the newlyweds, ensuring a long and happy marriage. The charm is also said to protect the bride from evil spirits and negative energy.

In addition to its symbolic meaning, the Metal Angle in Heart Bridal Lucky Charm is also a beautiful piece of jewelry that can be treasured for many years. It is often passed down through generations as a family heirloom, serving as a reminder of the love and happiness shared on the wedding day.

Overall, the Metal Angle in Heart Bridal Lucky Charm is a beautiful and meaningful accessory that adds a special touch to any bride's wedding day. Its symbolism and beauty make it a cherished and valuable addition to any bride's jewelry collection.