Rosewood WW Sticks & Stones S/M

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SKU: 22305
Regular price $15.00 inc. GST

The Rosewood WW Sticks & Stones S/M is a unique and eco-friendly toy made from 100% natural materials, such as palm leaf and abaca. Hand-woven by Fair Trade producers in the Philippines, this toy is not only great for your pet bird but also has a positive impact on the environment and the community.

This toy is designed for smaller birds like Budgies who love to play and shred, providing them with a safe and entertaining activity. The natural materials used in the production of this toy are not only durable but also destructible, which is perfect for birds who love to chew and shred their toys.

One of the best things about the Rosewood WW Sticks & Stones S/M is that it comes with a metal clip for hanging. This means that you can easily attach it to your bird's cage and watch as they play and interact with it.

By choosing the Rosewood WW Sticks & Stones S/M, you are not only providing your pet with a fun and safe toy but also supporting fair trade and sustainable practices. Overall, the WW Sticks & Stones S/M is an excellent choice for any bird owner who wants to provide their pet with a natural and environmentally friendly toy.

Size: 8*3*27cm