Tree of Life with 7 Chakras Crystal Stone Beads Keyring

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Regular price $6.00 inc. GST

The Tree of Life with 7 Chakras Crystal Stone Beads Keyring is a unique and meaningful accessory that holds significant spiritual and symbolic value. The Tree of Life is a representation of the interconnectedness of all living things, with roots firmly planted in the earth and branches reaching towards the heavens. It is a symbol of growth, strength, and continuity of life.

The seven chakras, which are the energy centers in the human body, are represented by the crystal stone beads on the keyring. Each chakra is associated with a specific color and has its own unique meaning and healing properties. The chakras are aligned along the spine and are responsible for regulating our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The combination of the Tree of Life and the seven chakras on the keyring creates a powerful energy field that promotes balance and harmony. It can help to awaken and activate the chakras, promoting healing, spiritual growth, and self-awareness. This keyring can serve as a reminder to stay grounded and connected to the earth, while also reaching towards higher spiritual realms.

Overall, the Tree of Life with 7 Chakras Crystal Stone Beads Keyring is a beautiful and meaningful accessory that can be used for personal healing and spiritual development. It can also make a thoughtful gift for someone who is on a spiritual journey or looking to improve their well-being.