Wedding Horseshoe Bridal Charm with Two Silver Rings

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Regular price $5.60 inc. GST

The wedding horseshoe bridal charm is a traditional symbol of good luck and fortune for the newlyweds. This charm is usually given as a gift to the bride on her wedding day, and it can be carried in her purse, attached to her bouquet, or hung from her wrist. The horseshoe is believed to bring good luck and protect the couple from evil spirits. It is said that the horseshoe should be held upright so that the luck doesn't fall out.

The charm is often decorated with two silver rings, which symbolize the unity and commitment of the couple. The silver rings are usually intertwined to represent the unbreakable bond between the bride and groom. The horseshoe and the silver rings are often made of high-quality materials such as sterling silver or gold, making it a precious keepsake that can be passed down from generation to generation.

The wedding horseshoe bridal charm with two silver rings is a beautiful and meaningful gift that can add a touch of tradition and elegance to any wedding ceremony. It is a reminder that marriage is not just about the wedding day, but a lifelong commitment to love, respect, and support. As the bride carries the horseshoe with her, she is carrying the hopes and well wishes of her loved ones, as well as the promise of a happy and prosperous future with her partner.